The Small Business Lifeline

The Small Business Lifeline


48% of the 30mm U.S. Small Businesses
Closed During the Pandemic

Covid-19 was the ultimate force majeure.  The ReStarter Fund aims to be a “Red Cross for Small Business America”— an economic and climate justice-focused platform that enables investors to support shuttered businesses — disproportionately BIPOC and women-led.


The ReStarter Fund will support a greener and more equitable post-pandemic environment as it restores dignity.


Meet New and Evolving Needs

After resuscitating the closed businesses, removing this slice of risk from the U.S. economy, this pool of capital can serve as a rapid-response funder in the aftermath of a wide range of natural disasters — including fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and snowpocalypses — all of which are likely to increase in frequency due to climate change.


Committed to Equity and Justice

The ReStarter Fund will achieve our goals by embodying a commitment to equity and justice, with an eye toward shared ownership and revenue sharing at every turn.


A portion of any revenue earned from 3rd parties that leverage our data set would be shared with applicants and borrowers, so that they may benefit from the use of their data, moving to a more regenerative model instead of the current extractive norms.


Help Adapt and Retool

Failed business owners are no one’s target client. Our target client, whether based on indigenous lands, in an urban environment or in a rural community, is in need of patient and non-extractive capital support. The urgently needed funding will serve to not only re-open but to re-tool for a post-Covid world.


Create an Ecosystem

Clients will need additional support to reach stability and seize opportunities for growth and scale, as appropriate. Other funders and technical assistance providers will be needed to create the network of support for embracing Small Business Owners in this moment, and beyond.

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Data = Value

The core value of this platform will be the data it aggregates.  By asking alternative questions (like a SoFi and B-Lab) and understanding this community better, we will seek to find partners in the ecosystem — leveraging the wealth of data that will be generated — to create financial wellness products for microtargetting and serving Small Business America.


The ReStarter Fund will provide much-needed rapid response funding to small businesses. 
